【Academic lecture】Nilpotent orbits and representations of Lie algebras


Topic: Nilpotent orbits and representations of Lie algebras

Speaker: 姚裕丰,上海海事大学理学院院长、教授、博导。2010年博士毕业于华东师范大学数学系,研究方向为李理论及表示理论,包括特征零域上无限维李(超)代数表示及素特征域有限维李(超)代数表示及相关的几何性质研究等,相关研究成果发表在中国科学、Journal  of Algebra、Forum Mathematicum、Proceedings of the Royal Society of  Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics、Journal of the Mathematical Society of  Japan、Mathematische  Nachrichten等国内外主流数学期刊上。主持和参与国家级和上海市级科研项目十余项,入选上海市级人才计划。任中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会常务理事。


This is a survey of  nilpotent orbits and representations in modular Lie algebras based on  the work of J. C. Jantzen etc., and joint work with Bin Shu and Yunpeng Xue.  We first recall the classical theory of nilpotent orbits in  representations of reductive Lie algebras in prime characteristic. Then  we further study nilpotent orbits of the enhanced reductive Lie  algebras, and give a sufficient and necessary condition for finite  nilpotent orbits. All finite nilpotent orbits are precisely  parameterized, and their closure are determined.

Time: 2024.6.28 14:00

Lecture Location: 行政楼1308